Networking Subcommittee

The Networking Subcommittee helps coordinate and organize NWIIWA’s four Network & Chill events for the year. Attendees have a great opportunity to meet new people, strengthen relationships and have fun.  These events are also a fun networking opportunity to meet other business leaders from companies throughout the region.

Participating is easy and super convenient!

Want to get involved? Join the committee!

Join the Committee

Committee Co-Chairs

Tamera Lienhart bp Whiting Refinery (907) 441-8839
Sonia Georgeff Diamond Residential Mortgage Corporation (219) 743-0932

Andrea Pearman NWIIWA (219) 226-0300
Jessica Wilson Designed Ledgers (219) 713-4415
Shelby Case Diversified Marketing Strategies (219) 226-0300
Tracee Jury Steamwhistle Coffee Roasters (219) 323-3530