35 events found.
Ready for a Network & Chill? Come on out for our informal Network and Chill at Float Sixty Indiana South Shore (Chesterton), 851 Indian Boundary Rd. (Back of Radiant Studio & Suites), Chesterton, IN. This is a great opportunity to meet new people, strengthen relationships and have fun. There will be light appetizers and door…
The NWIIWA Education and Events Committee will meet from 3 – 4:30pm. Contact us for location. Participating is easy and super convenient! Your involvement and participation is welcome, and we’re excited to have you join. Want to get involved? Join the committee! Join the Committee
Optimizing YOU! Join us, August 29, for our next NWIIWA certificate event! Optimizing You! Priorities, Processes, and Getting Out of Email Hell is a unique new certificate offering from NWIIWA that centers around better ways to utilize technology that most companies already have available. With just a few simple tips and tricks within the Microsoft…