Education and Networking Committee

Get involved with NWIIWA by joining our Education and Networking Committee. This group is responsible for coordinating many of the association’s gatherings, learning opportunities, and events. In other words, this committee is your ticket to all of the best things that NWIIWA has to offer.

Our co-chairs will facilitate this committee’s meetings and give updates on activities like Lunch and Learns, the annual Awards Banquet, and other great topics. There will be opportunities to volunteer to help on specific projects to help make each program a success.

Participating is easy and super convenient!

Being on the committee is rewarding, but it does come with some expectations:

  1. Show up to meetings and be ready to jump in!
  2. Let’s make choices that are beneficial for the whole association.
  3. When it comes to planning events and stuff, lend a hand!
  4. Stay in the loop about NWIIWA, what our members get, and the cool programs we offer.

Education & Networking Committee Responsibilities:

The Education and Networking Committee is responsible for coordinating many of the association’s gatherings, learning opportunities, and events like Lunch and Learns, the annual Awards Banquet, and others. This committee is your ticket to all of the best things that NWIIWA has to offer.

  • Attend a minimum of 75% of committee meetings.
  • Attend 50% of educational and networking events.
  • Volunteer for at least one event a quarter (registration, outreach, set-up, etc.).
  • Stay up to date on committee communications.

Want to get involved? Join the committee!

Join the Committee

Committee Co-Chairs

Ari Baiz Lerner & Rowe Injury Attorneys (708) 222-2222
Shvonne Barber Horizon Bank (219) 246-5743

Committee Members

Alyssa Gawlinski (219) 741-5718
Amy Henningfield Superior Construction (219) 787-0850
Andrea Pearman Diversified Marketing Strategies, Inc. (219) 226-0300
April Glueckert Calumet Lumber, Inc. (219) 397-2354
Ari Baiz Lerner & Rowe Injury Attorneys (708) 222-2222
Audra Peterson Porter County Career and Technical Center (219) 531-3170
Bailey Tombers Lake County Economic Alliance (LCEA) (219) 756-4317
Dana Gibson Associated Pediatricians, LLC (219) 462-0555
Deanna Chase Horizon Bank (219) 299-7497
Debie Coble Goodwill Industries of Michiana, Inc (574) 472-7300
Dee Piotrowski Horizon Bank (219) 874-9213
Deja Bailey HealthVisions Midwest, Inc. (219) 844-2698
Eileen Patterson Clifton Larson Allen   (CLA) (219) 864-7300
Emily Packard Powers Health (219) 716-3889
Emma Hutchinson Regional Development Company (219) 476-0504
Erin Nafziger Nelson’s Catering and Fundraising (574) 862-2184
Erin Overly-Graham Seeking Next Opportunity (704) 840-6812
Helen Pennington Network Marketing (219) 682-4437
Jessica Wilson Designed Ledgers (219) 713-4415
Julie Wendorf Crown Point Community Library (219) 256-2565
Kathy Trebiani ArcelorMittal Research & Development (219) 256-7753
Lauren Hull University of Chicago Medicine (219) 407-5891
Lisa Kuehl Horizon Bank (219) 246-5741
Mary Freda-Flores City of Crown Point (219) 356-1904
Mary Wright Horizon Bank (219) 750-1110
Michelle Novak TradeWinds Services, Inc. (219) 945-0100
Shelby Case Diversified Marketing Strategies, Inc. (219) 226-0300
Shvonne Barber Horizon Bank (219) 246-5743
Sonia Georgeff Diamond Residential Mortgage Company (219) 707-8440
Susan Ibitz Susan Ibitz Behavior Consulting (312) 752-7227
Symphony Raudry IUN School of Business and Economics (219) 981-5698
Tamera Lienhart bp Whiting Refinery (907) 441-8839
Teri Wallace Wallace Consulting, LLC (219) 736-1040
Tonya Stanley NIPSCO (219) 314-9192
Tuesday Monsion Van Wagner / Valpo Athletics (219) 299-5224