Education and Networking Committee
Get involved with NWIIWA by joining our Education and Networking Committee. This group is responsible for coordinating many of the association’s gatherings, learning opportunities, and events. In other words, this committee is your ticket to all of the best things that NWIIWA has to offer.
Our co-chairs will facilitate this committee’s meetings and give updates on activities like Lunch and Learns, the annual Awards Banquet, and other great topics. There will be opportunities to volunteer to help on specific projects to help make each program a success.
Participating is easy and super convenient!
Being on the committee is rewarding, but it does come with some expectations:
- Show up to meetings and be ready to jump in!
- Let’s make choices that are beneficial for the whole association.
- When it comes to planning events and stuff, lend a hand!
- Stay in the loop about NWIIWA, what our members get, and the cool programs we offer.
Education & Networking Committee Responsibilities:
The Education and Networking Committee is responsible for coordinating many of the association’s gatherings, learning opportunities, and events like Lunch and Learns, the annual Awards Banquet, and others. This committee is your ticket to all of the best things that NWIIWA has to offer.
- Attend a minimum of 75% of committee meetings.
- Attend 50% of educational and networking events.
- Volunteer for at least one event a quarter (registration, outreach, set-up, etc.).
- Stay up to date on committee communications.