Awards Committee

Get involved with NWIIWA by joining our Awards Committee.

Our co-chairs will facilitate this committee’s meetings and give updates on the annual Awards Banquet. There will be opportunities to volunteer to help on specific projects to help make the program a success.

Participating is easy and super convenient!

Being on the committee is rewarding, but it does come with some expectations:

  1. Show up to meetings and be ready to jump in!
  2. Let’s make choices that are beneficial for the whole association.
  3. When it comes to planning events and stuff, lend a hand!
  4. Stay in the loop about NWIIWA, what our members get, and the cool programs we offer.

Awards Committee Responsibilities:

The Awards Committee performs a wide array of functions relating to the coordination of the Influential Women of Northwest Indiana awards banquet. Participating is easy and super convenient. There will be opportunities to volunteer to help on specific projects to help make the program a success.
Assist in Planning our Influential Women’s Awards Banquet: Contribute ideas and actively participate in the planning process for the awards banquet. Collaborate with other committee members to ensure the success of the event.

  • Foster Sponsor Development & Relations: Engage in sponsor outreach and development efforts to secure support for the awards banquet. Maintain positive relationships with sponsors and ensure their needs are met throughout the planning process.
  • Attend Award Committee Meetings: Commit to attending scheduled meetings to discuss event progress, address challenges, and make decisions collaboratively.
  • Lend a Hand Before and After the Event: Volunteer your time and assistance as needed for pre-event preparations and post-event activities.

Want to get involved? Join the committee!

Join the Committee

Committee Co-Chairs

Lisa Kuehl Horizon Bank (219) 246-5741
Andrea Pearman Diversified Marketing Strategies (219) 226-0300

Committee Members

Juanita Boland HealthVisions Midwest (219) 844-2698